NutraTalk Blog

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A new study on Daily Essential Nutrients focusing on pregnant women who are struggling with depression and anxiety is underway.
Posted in: Research
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Health care providers are reporting phenomenal results from putting patients on this micronutrient supplement.
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We have to plug all the "holes in the roof" by supplementing using broad spectrum micronutrients. The body excretes the vitamins and minerals it doesn't need.
Posted in: General Health
Tagged with: Energy, Focus, Stress
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Double-blind Study Proves "Daily Essential Nutrients" Effective for ADHD, Anxiety, Mood
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Dr. Arwen Podesta recommends has witnessed very positive benefits from Daily Essential Nutrients with her patients.
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Do we still have issues? Yes! But nothing like before. Mason is still Mason, he just likes himself more and likes that things are going smoother. We are really enjoying getting to be his parents and not just always getting by.
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Jordan, a Hardy Nutritionals® customer since 2016, shares his experience using Hardy's Optimal Balance for Men to help with his energy levels.
Posted in: Success Stories
Tagged with: Energy, Stress
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When this mom heard of a trial using micronutrients for depression, she volunteered right away because she didn't like the way anti-depressants made her feel.
Posted in: Research
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There are many schools of thought when it comes to determining the root cause of anxiety, but several researchers have demonstrated an important correlation between nutrient deficiencies and symptoms.
Posted in: Research
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The urges have basically disappeared completely, leaving me with only the occasional time my hand reaches up to my head out of habit, but I used to not to be able to stop.  Now I simply have no urge to continue. My hair is now thick and full and luscious and I wear it out all the time.
Posted in: Success Stories
Tagged with: Anxiety, Stress