NutraTalk Blog

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I was diagnosed late Nov 2017, & med-free by April 2018. Now it’s been four months med-free, going on five. I’m glad I was able to make the switch to supplements. I’m thriving thanks to Hardy Nutritionals Daily Essential Nutrients.
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"The difference is now he can have a conversation and not just storm off. We feel like we can talk with him."
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For those who are taking Daily Essential Nutrients, Hardy Nutritionals® clinical broad-spectrum micronutrient formulation, but who are still dealing with some level of residual mood swings, anxiety or depression--hormonal or otherwise--additional supplementation may be required.  Introducing supplements such as 5HTP, SAMe, Inositol, Niacinimide, among others, may be helpful in providing added relief.
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DEN has stopped the voices I used to hear and the depression is gone.  I am completely stable and have never felt this happy for this long in one stretch in my life. My sleep has improved greatly and I am waking up happy every morning.
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I started the Daily Essential Nutrients seven months ago. Within three days I felt a slight calmness I had not felt in years. By days seven to ten, I felt more grounded and in my skin. I started with three to six capsules a day following the recommended regimen, building each week, and by week three or four I was less hazy--it felt like a dark cloud had lifted.
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More studies on David Hardy's formulations prove successful: "Our experience with the nutrients over 10 years is that when it works – and I have to always be careful to say it doesn't work for everyone – but when it does work we see a broad range of symptoms getting better."
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"I first decided to try Daily Essential Nutrients because my psychiatrist was encouraging me to switch off of pharmaceuticals as I was nearing 20 years on Lithium. We were both concerned about my kidneys, and my body managing that for 20-30 more years..."
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If you are planning to transition from medications to Daily Essential Nutrients micronutrient therapies, this short video will help you to do so successfully.
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Thousands of people have found relief from symptoms of mood and mental health disorders using the clinical micronutrient therapies formulated by the late David L. Hardy, founder of Hardy Nutritionals®.†
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Micronutrient treatments are quickly becoming recognized worldwide as an effective alternative treatment for ADHD, including other mental health conditions often accompanying ADHD, such as mood and anxiety disorders. "It could actually be a game-changer in terms of where we go forward in terms of treating children with ADHD,"...