NutraTalk Blog

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"I noticed on day three when I started using it a year and a half ago, my depression started to just dwindle away, my manic episodes started to just dissipate..."
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I spent nearly six years blaming myself, not understanding why this was happening to my son. I was hopeless. Hardy Nutritionals gave me my son back.
Posted in: Success Stories
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Do we still have issues? Yes! But nothing like before. Mason is still Mason, he just likes himself more and likes that things are going smoother. We are really enjoying getting to be his parents and not just always getting by.
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Micronutrient treatment "Daily Essential Nutrients" is proven to reduce pediatric ADHD symptoms according to a recent study.
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He has been taking these micronutrients for about 2 months now and I am so blown away by the changes I have already seen, I am excited for him to start school and see how the micronutrients can help him in that respect.
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The Daily Essential Nutrients micronutrients are really helping our son. He is now much more happy and easier going than usual. I can see the difference. Almost immediately, (the same day). I now understand the hefty price tag. It's the quality and quantity of essential nutrients. They are providing the correct balance that his brain was starving for.
Posted in: Success Stories
Tagged with: Aggression, Stress
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If you are planning to transition from medications to Daily Essential Nutrients micronutrient therapies, this short video will help you to do so successfully.
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Micronutrient treatments are quickly becoming recognized worldwide as an effective alternative treatment for ADHD, including other mental health conditions often accompanying ADHD, such as mood and anxiety disorders. "It could actually be a game-changer in terms of where we go forward in terms of treating children with ADHD,"...
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Newshub published an article summarizing the positive response of 13 year old New Zealand teen Xander Steele who has used Daily Essential Nutrients to manage his ADHD symptoms. "It actually really calms me down when I feel stressed out," he comments. Xander's mother Laura discusses her son's condition.
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This Mom Adds Micronutrients to Food: Sees Incredible Results in Mood. "Hardy's Daily Essential Nutrients, (we call it DEN), was my last resort before I put my 8 year old son on Zoloft because his anger outburst were so bad it was affecting everyone in the family.