NutraTalk Blog

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These people share their experiences using Hardy's Daily Essential micronutrients for mood, anger, anxiety, and stress.
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These doctors share details about their experiences using Hardy's Daily Essential Nutrients micronutrients with patients.
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Before Cait started taking Daily Essential Nutrients, she struggled with bipolar disorder on a regular basis. She says she still has ups and downs, but her highs are not as high and her lows are not as low.
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In a segment geared toward mental health professionals, Dr. Rucklidge is interviewed about the importance of micronutrients when it comes to mental health.
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Several doctors at the Neurologic Wellness Institute recommend Hardy Nutritionals' Daily Essential Nutrients micronutrients to their patients.
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Two recent double-blind trials and several medical journal publications support the use of Daily Essential Nutrients for mood and focus.
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Jake used to suffer from debilitating anxiety, bouts of rage and intense moodiness due to a concussion in his past. Then, his doctor recommended Hardy's Daily Essential Nutrients.
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In this video interview, Maya shares results from her therapeutic work that have improved since adding Daily Essential Nutrients as a supportive nutritional base.
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Relief for children dealing with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) could be easier to attain, thanks to new research on micronutrients.
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: ADHD, Aggression, Energy, Focus
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A newly published follow-up trial examined the effects of Daily Essential Nutrients on children with ADHD one year after the original trial.