NutraTalk Blog

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Eating whole foods has been shown to improve mental and overall health. However, merely eating well may be insufficient for some.
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: ADHD, Focus, Mood, Pediatrics
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After starting Daily Essential Nutrients, the family noticed a change in Carter within the first week. He could focus, he was happy, and he kept improving.
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These doctors share details about their experiences using Hardy's Daily Essential Nutrients micronutrients with patients.
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In this video interview, Maya shares results from her therapeutic work that have improved since adding Daily Essential Nutrients as a supportive nutritional base.
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University of Utah researchers have discovered differences in the way brains work when it comes to young people who have experienced depression.
Posted in: Research
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I spent nearly six years blaming myself, not understanding why this was happening to my son. I was hopeless. Hardy Nutritionals gave me my son back.
Posted in: Success Stories
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Over time Annalisa has seen incredible improvements in her son's moods and behavior.  After starting DEN, his teachers reported major improvements in the way he conducts himself at school.
Posted in: Success Stories
Tagged with: ADHD, Pediatrics
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Micronutrient treatment "Daily Essential Nutrients" is proven to reduce pediatric ADHD symptoms according to a recent study.
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He has been taking these micronutrients for about 2 months now and I am so blown away by the changes I have already seen, I am excited for him to start school and see how the micronutrients can help him in that respect.
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Many parents know that taking pills can be a real nightmare for some children. Even many adults have trouble swallowing medication. Difficulty in swallowing medication can have huge implications for a child's health and for a family stress level, especially in families already challenged by life-threatening illnesses. The added problem ...
Posted in: Getting Started
Tagged with: Pediatrics