NutraTalk Blog

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My husband and I want to thank Hardy Nutritionals® for saving our son's life. Before we found Hardy's Daily Essential Nutrients, our lives were in shambles.
Posted in: Success Stories
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"And thus, I came back to Hardy’s. It’ s only been about three weeks...but the last of my tiny panic attacks seems to have disappeared. "
Posted in: Success Stories
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I started the Daily Essential Nutrients seven months ago. Within three days I felt a slight calmness I had not felt in years. By days seven to ten, I felt more grounded and in my skin. I started with three to six capsules a day following the recommended regimen, building each week, and by week three or four I was less hazy--it felt like a dark cloud had lifted.
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"I had been taking a high dose of Adderall (30mg/ 4X day) for the past 18 years for ADHD. I wanted to try and get pregnant but knew that I could not be on stimulants for that so I was gearing up to get off the Adderall..."
Posted in: Success Stories
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“Our daughter, Karla, came to our family through Foster Care six years ago at the age of 20 months. She had been severely burned and neglected...Around April of 2017, I started to wonder and research diet and supplements. I found a book called “Healing without Hurting by Jennifer Giustra-Kozek, LPC NCC” and it changed my thoughts on how to help my sweet, Karla..."
Posted in: Success Stories
Tagged with: ADHD, Bipolar, Depression, Focus, Mood
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"I first decided to try Daily Essential Nutrients because my psychiatrist was encouraging me to switch off of pharmaceuticals as I was nearing 20 years on Lithium. We were both concerned about my kidneys, and my body managing that for 20-30 more years..."
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"Several things were different this time. For one thing, my own psychiatrist admitted that he was working with the product developers and that he had seen a lot of promising data. For another, I had spent thirty years praying..."
Posted in: Success Stories
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"Around puberty (age 12), my son started to experience trichotillomania (hair pulling) and OCD symptoms that negatively affected his quality of life. His pediatrician recommended he start taking Zoloft to "take the edge off." Neither I nor my husband felt right about medicating our son..."
Posted in: Success Stories
Tagged with: Dosage, Energy, Mood, Research
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He has been taking these micronutrients for about 2 months now and I am so blown away by the changes I have already seen, I am excited for him to start school and see how the micronutrients can help him in that respect.
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If you are planning to transition from medications to Daily Essential Nutrients micronutrient therapies, this short video will help you to do so successfully.