NutraTalk Blog

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After starting Daily Essential Nutrients, the family noticed a change in Carter within the first week. He could focus, he was happy, and he kept improving.
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“Optimizing nutrition is a safe and viable way to avoid, treat, or lessen mental illness. Nutrition matters." - Dr. Julia Rucklidge, TED Speaker
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: ADHD, Anxiety, Focus, Research
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What makes Hardy's Daily Essential Nutrients unique is the amount of independent research supporting its efficacy for mood & mental health.
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Before finding Daily Essential Nutrients, Carter was exhibiting severe moodiness which was affecting him at home and at school.
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Doctors are using this groundbreaking research to recommend nutrition as a primary treatment for mood disorders and mental health.
Posted in: Research
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Medication is not an effective long-term solution for many individuals. So researchers asked, what other treatment options are there?
Posted in: Research
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Drink milk, get strong bones. Eat vegetables, get strong muscles. But it seems like one body part is consistently left out of the narrative: our brains.
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: Anxiety, Behavior
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Daily Essential Nutrients is endorsed by psychiatrists and researchers for improvements in cognition, behavior, mood, and focus.
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Dan says he loses battles from time to time but feels like he is finally "winning the war with anxiety". He wants fellow anxiety sufferers to know that they don’t have to deal with anxiety alone.
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Jennifer and her son Tyler both bravely open up about the realities of living with a mood disorder that impacts focus and behavior.