NutraTalk Blog

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Individuals who have used drugs, including psychiatric ones, commonly report “post-withdrawal medication effects.”  Here's what you can do.
Posted in: General Health
Tagged with: Withdrawal
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“With Daily Essentials, it’s a focus that doesn’t really heighten your anxiety or energy level, so I'm able to focus on really what I need and want to. "
Posted in: Success Stories
Tagged with: ADHD, Focus, Withdrawal
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For nearly 20 years of my life, the giants of depression and anxiety defined a large part of my existence.
Posted in: Success Stories
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Before Cait started taking Daily Essential Nutrients, she struggled with bipolar disorder on a regular basis. She says she still has ups and downs, but her highs are not as high and her lows are not as low.
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"Since taking Hardy's Daily Essential Nutrients for 3 years now, I have been feeling much more settled and not so scared."
Posted in: Success Stories
Tagged with: Anxiety, Withdrawal
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This video illustrates what you need to know about taking Daily Essential Nutrients with medications.
Posted in: Getting Started
Tagged with: Withdrawal
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Dr. Tummala, integrative psychiatrist, discusses her patients' experience using Daily Essential Nutrients for mental health.
Posted in: Success Stories
Tagged with: Withdrawal
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During the quit phase (12 weeks), participants were registered with a public Quitline while consuming micronutrients or placebo. Carbon monoxide levels were measured to confirm smoking cessation.
Posted in: Research
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When working with patients who are transitioning to Daily Essential Nutrients clinical broad-spectrum micronutrients, it is imperative that clinicians take time to review our Clinical Reference Guide.  We also recommend speaking with a member of our science team to ensure familiarity with medication-reduction protocols and best practices.
Posted in: Getting Started
Tagged with: Withdrawal
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Through all the ups and downs he experienced since coming off the medication, Bruce says he has "never felt the deep depressive symptoms" that caused him to seek treatment in the first place. “I don’t know if the medication helped. But I do know that I’m very glad I’m off.”